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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.

Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Text"Text" is a predefined property that represents text of arbitrary length and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki." with value "Ne oder? ^^ Philipp hier. :o)". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Bologna la dotta Comment 6  + (Ermmm, ernsthaft? Dafür klang der Eintrag aber viel zu gut auf den anderen abgestimmt. Oder sollen wir hier veräppelt werden? Ich hoffe nicht, denn das Internet ist eine ernsthafte Angelegenheit :-P)
  • Rollenspiel und Web 2.0 Comment 1  + (Geschichtenerzählen 2.0 ... toller Vergleich ^^)
  • What's in a name - Part 4 Comment 1  + (Good writeup! A couple of points: The "ovGood writeup! A couple of points: The "overloaded fragment identifier" problem is not really much of a problem. The URI can very well be both "a section about Plato in a web page" and "an RDF resource representing Plato in an RDF document". When a web browser asks for the URL, it can be served the web page; when a semantic web agent asks, it can be served the RDF document (through HTTP content negotiation), thus pretty much avoiding the problem. I'd argue that the anonymous node approach is the right one in many cases. Often, there's no requirement for your stuff being referencable from the outside. In these cases, using anonymous nodes is fine and may save some headaches. In the long run, maybe there will be sites publishing directories with RDF information about movies or philosophers. Maybe there will be a search engine that lets you search for URIs representing those concepts. Then you can simply use that URI, and don't have to make up your own. You're mixing up foaf:interest and foaf:topic_interest. The former simply doesn't have the meaning you assume in your examples. Arguably, the FOAF people should have defined them differently, but there's nothing we can do about this now. I'm looking forward to the last two parts of your series.ward to the last two parts of your series.)
  • Kleeblatt Versand Comment 1  + (Hallo! Heute hatte ich Post vom KleeblattHallo! Heute hatte ich Post vom Kleeblatt Versand im Briefkasten.. Spasseshalber rubbelte ich die Felder auf, und siehe da, ich habe zwei mal gewonnen! Als ich dann laß, daß man eine 0190er Nummer anrufen müsse, die 1,99/Min kostet, dachte ich, sind die denn total besch... Denken die man ist so blöd und gibt mal eben 14,- Euro für einen Anruf aus, der 6,55 min dauern soll und wo man vorher nicht weiß, was man überhaupt gewonnen hat? Nee! Das "Kleeblättchen" fliegt gleich in den Müll! In meinen Augen ist das Abzocke pur!!!ll! In meinen Augen ist das Abzocke pur!!!)
  • What is a good ontology? Comment 1  + (Harry Potter is an excellent example of a good ontology.)
  • Wetten, dass... Comment 1  + (Hart. Hast Du das selbst geschrieben? Wow.)
  • Unique Name Assumption Comment 1  + (Hi Denny! Nice little essay. I aggree thatHi Denny! Nice little essay. I aggree that the unique name assumption would not be a good choice for the semantic web, since we would all have to agree on a common vocabulary for everything before we could even start putting semantic information on the web. However, I do not understand why inverse functional properties would break with the unique name assumption. In foaf persons are identified with the hash value of their email addresses. With the unique name assumption, we would not be allowed to use two different URIs for the same person. Hence we would not need inverse functional properties and the problem would not occur in the first place. Greetings, Benoccur in the first place. Greetings, Ben)
  • What's in a name - Part 4 Comment 2  + (Hi Richard, Thank you a lot for making thHi Richard, Thank you a lot for making the first comment to Semantic Nodix! :) About your thoughtful points: I don't like to use content negotiation in order to get the right resource (or rather, representation of a resource, which itself is a resource again). I prefer getting explicitly the resource I asked for, and I feel like that's why URLs are there for: to locate one specific resource. That's why I try to avoid that way. Anonymous nodes. My only reason against them is that they are not referenceable. You say, most of the time that's ok - I'd claim, well, most of the time you can't know if maybe someone will want to reference it in the future. Why making it impossible? Actually making URIs is very cheap (well, making good URIs isn't, but that's the point of this blogging series), so why not give a reference to every node? The web grew the way it did because we did not claim beforehand to know which resources need to be adressible and which not. It would be a totally different web today if the majority of resource out there were not adressable. Your last point was answered in the blog and comments of the previous part. Thanks on your comments, dennyious part. Thanks on your comments, denny)
  • What's in a name - Part 3 Comment 2  + (Hi Richard, you are totally right - the eHi Richard, you are totally right - the example fails. But I took it on purpose, nevertheless: because humans, when they read the predicate "foaf:interest" will think that it means that Subject is interested in the Object. You are right - and I point it out in the Blog - it actually means the Subject is interested in the Topic of the Object. But I think this is an (intentional) bug in the FOAF-specification. Intentional in order to make writing FOAF-files easier, a bug nevertheless because it creates a cognitive difference between the expected naive and intented specified use of "foaf:interest". I wanted to stress this cognitive difference with this example. The second reason for selecting this example is to make the reader wary of such subtle differences and mistakes that can happen everywhere. Anything claimed about the Semantic Web should be taken with care, no matter who claims it! Thanks for your comments, dennylaims it! Thanks for your comments, denny)
  • Regenbogen Comment 3  + (Hm? Was denn? Nur das Stylefile fehlt, oder? Kann ich nur von daheim aus lösen, habe hier das Stylefile nicht gespeichert.)
  • Summer School for the Semantic Web, Day 0 Comment 1  + (How many of the people at SSSW are going to be at the Protege conference next week?)
  • Bologna la dotta Comment 4  + (Huh? Wo ist denn die Bologna-Persiflage hin verschwunden? Die hätte durchaus das Original sein können. Sehr nett. Like cool and stuff.)
  • What's in a name - Part 3 Comment 3  + (I agree, foaf:topic is a poorly defined teI agree, foaf:topic is a poorly defined term. foaf:topic should be named foaf:pageAboutTopic or so. And foaf:topic_interest should be foaf:topic. But that's not what your post talks about, and I'm not sure that mixing this issue into your post is helping to get your point across. Just a get your point across. Just a thought.)
  • AcceLogiChip Comment 1  + (I love that idea. As soon as Intel believeI love that idea. As soon as Intel believes it, they will make advertisements for SemWeb in order to sell more CPUs - specialized one. Maybe existing graphic engine chips could be used to to logic calculation? Would be something for compiler construction people to try. But I fear that floating-point artihmetics doensn't map nicely to logic inferencing. doensn't map nicely to logic inferencing.)
  • Neid auf Freiheit Comment 1  + (Ich brech' weg. *lach*)
  • Bologna la dotta Comment 5  + (Ich geh davon aus, dass das ein Fehler in Blogger war, der durch die ungesicherte WLAN-Verbindung in Bologna entstanden ist. Wahrscheinlich gibt es irgendwo auf der Welt jetzt einen Blog, bei dem dieser arme Eintrag nie angekommen ist...)
  • Semantic Scripting Comment 1  + (In fact, I am in the conference also!! I gIn fact, I am in the conference also!! I got to your blog thanks to technorati and it was really nice to see other people's blog on the subject. It is even more funny to think that you could be right now at 2meters of me and we don't know each other ;-) Greetings from Heraklion! FeR other ;-) Greetings from Heraklion! FeR)
  • Garden State Comment 2  + (Ist auch nicht die Story, die einen überzeugt. Es sind die Charaktere und die Situationen, in die sie geraten.)
  • Wetten, dass... Comment 2  + (Ja. Wobei der erste Teil erlebt ist. Der Rest ist -- zum Glück -- frei erfunden.)
  • Bologna la dotta Comment 2  + (Kriege ich Deine alte Kamera, jetzt, da Du eine neue bekommst? :) Dann mache ich auch Photos, versprochen.)
  • Apricot ist keine Farbe Comment 1  + (Lieber Denny! Es ist doch wohl klar, das Lieber Denny! Es ist doch wohl klar, das apricot keine Farbe ist. Als generelle Regel gilt: Farben dürfen nur eine Silbe haben, wie z.B. rot, grün, blau, braun, schwarz, weiß, gelb, grau usw. Nebenbei fallen durch diese Regeln Farben wie rosa und lila vom Tisch. Und Lachs ist keine Farbe, sondern Fisch. Gruß aus DO, VolkoVarbe, sondern Fisch. Gruß aus DO, VolkoV)
  • AcceLogiChip Comment 2  + (Maybe not the floating point stuff, but the matrix accelerators in modern graphic processing units could maybe used in order to speed up the tablaeux algorithms or for disjunctions. I am not too sure yet, though, just an idea.)
  • Commited to the Big S Comment 1  + (My pleasure. I've got, evidently, 99 more, BTW...)
  • Denny macht Milchreis Comment 2  + (Na und? Ich bin in BaWü, und das weiß Google Base sogar - in meinem Profil ist korrekt Stuttgart eingegeben.)
  • A blog for the AIFB Comment 2  + (Naturally! Thank you very much.)
  • Joghurt und Coke Comment 2  + (Nun ja, wer einmal in einem spanischen Supermarkt war, der wird bestätigen, daß in den meisten Fällen die Warenkühlung recht unnötig ist, da die Klimaanlage auf "Jahrhundertwinter" steht. It's the little differences...)
  • Die Hasselhof-Rekursion Comment 2  + (Nur die Ruhe. Wir Deutschen waren es schliesslich, die Hasselhoff so lange mit Fanbriefen und vor allem Geld versorgt haben. Ein bisschen mehr historische Verantwortung, wenn ich bitten darf! ;-))
  • FOAF browser Comment 2  + (Pascal, thank you for the info. I corrected that.)
  • More FOAF Comment 3  + (Sorry about the extended downtime - DSL "service" in Denmark is close to non-existing...)
  • What's in a name - Part 6 Comment 2  + (Thanks. I think HP is doing a great job wThanks. I think HP is doing a great job with Joseki - I mean, I didn't try it myself yet, but the idea behind is the right one. Providing an RDF-WebServer will become essential for the Semantic Web. For me it's much cleaner than the URIQA/MGET-Idea, but according to the mass of discussion ond RDF-IG and now SWIG, I guess, this isn't yet decied... :)SWIG, I guess, this isn't yet decied... :))
  • Property:Owl:differentFrom  + (The property that determines that two given individuals are different.)
  • Property:Foaf:homepage  + (URL of the homepage of something, which is a general web resource.)
  • What is a good ontology? Comment 2  + (Uhm, I really would need a bit more of an explanation for that :))
  • Eklige Metzger Comment 2  + (Ups. Im Gegensatz zu dem, was Waldorfschüler glauben, stammt Eklig tatsächlich nicht von Ecke ab... Ist korrigiert.)
  • Angelina Jolie wird 30 Comment 2  + (Vielen Dank, Chopper! Ich werde naechstes mal wenn ich das Video sehe darauf achten.)
  • Pforzheim Comment 1  + (WG-Mitbewohnerin...)
  • Du nimmst meine Schnalle, ich nehm Deine... Comment 2  + (Warum heißt es eigentlich, die Männer haben ihre Frauen getauscht, und nicht umgekehrt?)
  • Semantic Scripting Comment 2  + (Yes, that's funny. Maybe we will still meet! :) Any presentations you have? Tried to look in your blog, but my Spanish sucks. Greeting to Heraklion, from Heraklion!)
  • What's in a name - Part 3 Comment 1  + (You have a good point here, but your exampYou have a good point here, but your examples fail to make it clear. As you say yourself, foaf:interest is defined to point to a ''web page about the interest'', not to the interest iteself. This means the problem you're trying to show doesn't exist in the case of foaf:interest, and it makes your last two examples bogus. You should have used foaf:topic_interest instead. The problem, though, is real for many cases.e problem, though, is real for many cases.)
  • RDF is not just for dreamers Comment 1  + (You wonder "what do people think of the whYou wonder "what do people think of the whole Semantic Web idea?". Well... I suffered through the 80's Knowledge Representation fad, both academically in the AI program at Edinburgh and as a practitioner at the only company ever to produce a commercial system written in Prolog (that wasn't a Prolog development system.) So I'm familiar with the problems that the Semantic Web effort is attempting to address. Having slogged through real-life efforts to encode substantial amounts of knowledge, I find some of the misty-eyed musings that surround the Semantic Web effort depressing. That "most information on the Web is designed for human consumption" is seen as an obstacle surmountable via tools like RDF is especially sad. On the other hand, I'm always happy to make use of the cool tools that these sorts of things seem to throw off. There's probably a certain Proverbs 26:11 aspect to it as well.rtain Proverbs 26:11 aspect to it as well.)
  • Barcelona II Comment 2  + (a) Ja, sitzt neben mir und guckt komisch <br/> b) Wenn Du nett zu mir bist ...)
  • Barcelona II Comment 1  + (a.) Kai hat ne Schwester? und <br/> b.) schreibt er mir 'ne Postkarte???<br/> Willkommen wieder daheim!)
  • Wowarich? Comment 1  + (angeber. du hast luxemburg vergessen.)
  • Die Hasselhof-Rekursion Comment 1  + (arrrrrrrgh........!)
  • Flughafenblogging Comment 1  + (beschwer Dich nicht! Immerhin siehst Du dibeschwer Dich nicht! Immerhin siehst Du die Welt - was sind da schon zwei Stunden? PS: Danke für die Postkarte aus Sofia, sehe, Dir hat Granada gefallen und ich wünsch Dir viel Spass auf Kreta. Hab auch schon gesehen, dass Du Dich danach nach Bologna verdrückst. *neid*ich danach nach Bologna verdrückst. *neid*)
  • Ring 2 Comment 1  + (den muss ich mir auch noch geben. will aber den ersten nochma davor ansehen. deeeeeeeeeennyyyyyyyy.........??? magst da nochma rein???)
  • Wowarich? Comment 3  + (die afrikanischen staaten machen aber leider meine europakarte nicht schön rot. und ok, dann warst eben nicht in luxemburg - aber ich! *ääätsch*   *g*)
  • Klickfrei Comment 1  + (dumm wird es nur aber, wenn man kurz weggucken muss, um an seinem kaffee zu nippen...)
  • Eklige Metzger Comment 1  + (e'''ck'''lig?)
  • Denny macht Milchreis Comment 3  + (für den energiespartipp möchte ich dir danfür den energiespartipp möchte ich dir danken. mein penis hat seine natürliche farbe noch immer wieder erhalten. ansonsten...finde ich die somthing*positive comics nicht unbedingt sehr komisch. der kleiderbügelcomic jedoch, hat seinen reiz, der liegt aber nicht im komischen, du teufel. liegt aber nicht im komischen, du teufel.)