Double language links on zh-yue Wikipedia

The Wikipedia articles linked to here listed, as of the dump created on June 23rd, 2012, more than one language link to the same other language. This may indicate an error.

Dreams Come True to [[zh:DREAMS COME TRUE]]

豬腸粉 to [[zh:豬腸粉]]

冥鏹 to [[en:Hell bank note]]

筆畫 to [[ja:筆画]]

筆畫 to [[zh:笔画]]

存在同埋時間 to [[en:Being and Time]]

春武里府 to [[wuu:春武里府]]

to [[de:Chi (Begriffsklärung)]]

to [[en:Chi]]

to [[eo:Ĥio]]

to [[es:Chi]]

to [[fr:CHI]]

to [[he:חי]]

to [[it:CHI]]

to [[ja:CHI]]

to [[nl:Chi]]

to [[no:Qi]]

to [[pl:Chi]]

to [[pt:Chi]]

to [[vi:Chi (định hướng)]]

刑部 to [[ko:형조]]

累購期權 to [[en:Accumulator (structured product)]]

圖則 to [[zh:圖則]]

朝鮮半島年號一覽 to [[ko:조선의 연호]]

樽頭檸檬水 to [[en:Lemonade]]

Created June 23rd 2012, Denny Vrandečić.

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