Double language links on vls Wikipedia

The Wikipedia articles linked to here listed, as of the dump created on June 23rd, 2012, more than one language link to the same other language. This may indicate an error.

Burgemêester to [[en:Mayor]]

Linux to [[sr:Линукс]]

Brydevinvis to [[ca:Balaenoptera brydei]]

Bloewost to [[sv:Blodkorv]]

Roomse keunienk to [[no:Konge av romerne]]

Roomse keunienk to [[pl:Władcy Niemiec]]

Roomse keunienk to [[pt:Rei dos Romanos]]

Roomse keunienk to [[ru:Римский король]]

Roomse keunienk to [[sv:Romersk kung]]

Roomse keunienk to [[th:พระมหากษัตริย์แห่งชนโรมัน]]

Created June 23rd 2012, Denny Vrandečić.

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