Max Score: $1500$ Points

Problem Statement

There is a $50 \times 50$ field. The cell at $i$-th row and $j$-th column is denoted $(i, j)$ (0-indexed).
One day, square1001 puts $250$ bombs in this field. In each cell, there is 1 or 0 bomb.
You want to know where the bombs are by asking some questions.

You can ask this question many times.
  • You can ask the number of bombs in the rectangular area in which upper-left cell is $(a, b)$ and lower-right cell is $(c, d)$.

Please find all bombs' positions asking as few questions as possible.

Note: This problem Input/Output type is special. Please read Input/Output. If you want to use scanf/printf, you have to write fflush(stdout).

Input and output

The first line input is following this format:
$H \ W \ N \ K$
  • $H, W$ is field size. In this problem, $H = 50$ and $W = 50$.
  • $N$ is the number of bombs in the field. In this problem, $N = 250$.
  • $K$ is modulo. This integer uses to answer the state of the field.

After this input, You can ask some questions, following this output format:
$? \ a \ b \ c \ d$
It means that you want to ask the number of bombs in the rectangular area which upper-left cell is $(a, b)$ and lower-right cell is $(c, d)$.

You can know the value of the question, from input in this format:
$p$ is the result of your question.

Finally, you have to output the answer following this format:
$! \ ans$
The value of $ans$ is $\sum_{i=0}^{H-1} \sum_{j=0}^{W-1} r_{i, j} 2^{iW + j}$ mod $K$. Note: $r_{i, j}$ is the number of bombs in cell $(i, j)$.


  • $H, W = 50$
  • $N = 250$
  • $1,000,000,000 \le K \le 1,000,010,000$ ($K$ is random)


There are 5 testcases in the judge.
The $score$ in each testcase is defined by following formula:
  • $Q$ is the number of questions.
  • If $Q > 2500$, $score = 0$ (Wrong Answer).
  • If $930 \le Q \le 2500$, $score = max(\lfloor 125 - 3.2\sqrt{Q - 920} \rfloor, 40)$.
  • If $880 \le Q < 930$, $score = \lfloor 288 - 22\sqrt{Q - 870} \rfloor$.
  • If $Q < 880$, $score = min(2860 - 3Q, 300)$.

Sample Input・Output

In the case of the following arrangement, this input / output is conceivable.
This case is $H,W=4$, so this example is not include in testcases.
H=4, W=4, N=4
Example of Input・Output
Input from program Output
4 4 4 1000000007
? 0 0 0 1
? 0 1 0 2
? 0 3 1 3
? 2 1 3 2
? 2 2 2 2
! 9225
These question is not always meaningful.
Writer: E869120