Score : 400 points

Problem Statement

On a planet far, far away, M languages are spoken. They are conveniently numbered 1 through M.

For CODE FESTIVAL 20XX held on this planet, N participants gathered from all over the planet.

The i-th (1≦i≦N) participant can speak K_i languages numbered L_{i,1}, L_{i,2}, ..., L_{i,{}K_i}.

Two participants A and B can communicate with each other if and only if one of the following conditions is satisfied:

  • There exists a language that both A and B can speak.
  • There exists a participant X that both A and B can communicate with.

Determine whether all N participants can communicate with all other participants.


  • 2≦N≦10^5
  • 1≦M≦10^5
  • 1≦K_i≦M
  • (The sum of all K_i)≦10^5
  • 1≦L_{i,j}≦M
  • L_{i,1}, L_{i,2}, ..., L_{i,{}K_i} are pairwise distinct.

Partial Score

  • 200 points will be awarded for passing the test set satisfying the following: N≦1000, M≦1000 and (The sum of all K_i)≦1000.
  • Additional 200 points will be awarded for passing the test set without additional constraints.


The input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

K_1 L_{1,1} L_{1,2} ... L_{1,{}K_1}
K_2 L_{2,1} L_{2,2} ... L_{2,{}K_2}
K_N L_{N,1} L_{N,2} ... L_{N,{}K_N}


If all N participants can communicate with all other participants, print YES. Otherwise, print NO.

Sample Input 1

4 6
3 1 2 3
2 4 2
2 4 6
1 6

Sample Output 1


Any two participants can communicate with each other, as follows:

  • Participants 1 and 2: both can speak language 2.
  • Participants 2 and 3: both can speak language 4.
  • Participants 1 and 3: both can communicate with participant 2.
  • Participants 3 and 4: both can speak language 6.
  • Participants 2 and 4: both can communicate with participant 3.
  • Participants 1 and 4: both can communicate with participant 2.

Note that there can be languages spoken by no participant.

Sample Input 2

4 4
2 1 2
2 1 2
1 3
2 4 3

Sample Output 2


For example, participants 1 and 3 cannot communicate with each other.