Max Score: $1500$ Points

Problem Statement

Huge kingdom: $Atcoder$ contains $N$ towns and $N-1$ roads. This kingdom is connected.

You have to detect the kingdom's road.
In order to detect, You can ask this form of questions.
  • You can output a string $S$. Length of $S$ must be $N$ and The character of string $S$ must be represented by '$0$' or '$1$'.
  • Computer paint the towns with white or black according to the character string you output.
  • If $i$-th character of $S$ is '0', computer paint town $i$ white.
  • If $i$-th character of $S$ is '1', computer paint town $i$ black.
  • Please consider an undirected graph $G$.
  • For each edge, computer do the following processing: If both ends painted black, computer adds this edge to $G$.
  • Computer returns value $x$: sum of "diameter of tree"$^2$ about each connected components.
For example, when $S$="11001111" and the kingdom's structure is this, computer returns 10.
Please detect the structure of $Atcoder$ as few questions as possible.

Input, Output

This is a reactive problem.
The first input is as follows:

  • $N$ is number of towns in $Atcoder$.

Next, you can ask questions.
The question must be in the form as follows:
? $S$
$S$ is a string. The mean of $S$ written in the problem statement. Length of $S$ must be $N$.

The answer of question is as follows:
The mean of $x$ written in the problem statement.

Finally, your program must output as follows:
! $(a_1,b_1)$ $(a_2,b_2)$ $(a_3,b_3)$ … $(a_{N-1},b_{N-1})$
This output means your program detects all roads of $Atcoder$.
$(a_i,b_i)$ means there is a road between $a_i$ and $b_i$.

You can output roads any order, but you must output the answer on a single line.


  • $N$=200
  • $Atcoder$ contains $N-1$ roads and this kingdom is connected.
  • All cases were made randomly.


Let the number of questions be $L$.

  • If $L > 20000$, $score$ = $0$ points
  • If $18000 < L ≦ 20000$, $score$ = $200$ points
  • If $5000 < L ≦ 18000$, $score$ = $650-L/40$ points
  • If $4000 < L ≦ 5000$, $score$ = $800-L/20$ points
  • If $2000 < L ≦ 4000$, $score$ = $1400-L/5$ points
  • If $1200 < L ≦ 2000$, $score$ = $1500-L/4$ points
  • If $700 < L ≦ 1200$, $score$ = $1850-L/2$ points
  • If $L ≦ 700$, $score$ = $1500$ points

There is $5$ cases, so points of each case is $score/5$.

Sample Input

This case is $N=4$. This case is not include because this is not $N=200$.
0 1
1 2
1 3

Sample Output

Sample interaction is as follows:
Input from computer Output
? 1111
? 1101
? 1001
? 1100
? 1011
! (0,1) (1,2) (1,3)

In this sample, structure of $Atcoder$ is as follows:

This question is not always meaningful.