Score : 1600 points

Problem Statement

For a string S, let f(S) be the lexicographically smallest cyclic shift of S. For example, if S = babca, f(S) = ababc because this is the smallest among all cyclic shifts (babca, abcab, bcaba, cabab, ababc).

You are given three integers X, Y, and Z. You want to construct a string T that consists of exactly X as, exactly Y bs, and exactly Z cs. If there are multiple such strings, you want to choose one that maximizes f(T) lexicographically.

Compute the lexicographically largest possible value of f(T).


  • 1 \leq X + Y + Z \leq 50
  • X, Y, Z are non-negative integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



Print the answer.

Sample Input 1

2 2 0

Sample Output 1


T must consist of two as and two bs.

  • If T = aabb, f(T) = aabb.
  • If T = abab, f(T) = abab.
  • If T = abba, f(T) = aabb.
  • If T = baab, f(T) = aabb.
  • If T = baba, f(T) = abab.
  • If T = bbaa, f(T) = aabb.

Thus, the largest possible f(T) is abab.

Sample Input 2

1 1 1

Sample Output 2
