Score : 100 points

Problem Statement

ButCoder Inc. runs a programming competition site called ButCoder. In this site, a user is given an integer value called rating that represents his/her skill, which changes each time he/she participates in a contest. The initial value of a new user's rating is 0, and a user whose rating reaches K or higher is called Kaiden ("total transmission"). Note that a user's rating may become negative.

Hikuhashi is a new user in ButCoder. It is estimated that, his rating increases by A in each of his odd-numbered contests (first, third, fifth, ...), and decreases by B in each of his even-numbered contests (second, fourth, sixth, ...).

According to this estimate, after how many contests will he become Kaiden for the first time, or will he never become Kaiden?


  • 1 ≤ K, A, B ≤ 10^{18}
  • All input values are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



If it is estimated that Hikuhashi will never become Kaiden, print -1. Otherwise, print the estimated number of contests before he become Kaiden for the first time.

Sample Input 1

4000 2000 500

Sample Output 1


Each time Hikuhashi participates in a contest, his rating is estimated to change as 020001500350030005000 After his fifth contest, his rating will reach 4000 or higher for the first time.

Sample Input 2

4000 500 2000

Sample Output 2


Each time Hikuhashi participates in a contest, his rating is estimated to change as 0500-1500-1000-3000-2500 He will never become Kaiden.

Sample Input 3

1000000000000000000 2 1

Sample Output 3


The input and output values may not fit into 32-bit integers.