Score : 300 points

Problem Statement

A railroad running from west to east in Atcoder Kingdom is now complete.

There are N stations on the railroad, numbered 1 through N from west to east.

Tomorrow, the opening ceremony of the railroad will take place.

On this railroad, for each integer i such that 1≤i≤N-1, there will be trains that run from Station i to Station i+1 in C_i seconds. No other trains will be operated.

The first train from Station i to Station i+1 will depart Station i S_i seconds after the ceremony begins. Thereafter, there will be a train that departs Station i every F_i seconds.

Here, it is guaranteed that F_i divides S_i.

That is, for each Time t satisfying S_i≤t and t%F_i=0, there will be a train that departs Station i t seconds after the ceremony begins and arrives at Station i+1 t+C_i seconds after the ceremony begins, where A%B denotes A modulo B, and there will be no other trains.

For each i, find the earliest possible time we can reach Station N if we are at Station i when the ceremony begins, ignoring the time needed to change trains.


  • 1≤N≤500
  • 1≤C_i≤100
  • 1≤S_i≤10^5
  • 1≤F_i≤10
  • S_i%F_i=0
  • All input values are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

C_1 S_1 F_1
C_{N-1} S_{N-1} F_{N-1}


Print N lines. Assuming that we are at Station i (1≤i≤N) when the ceremony begins, if the earliest possible time we can reach Station N is x seconds after the ceremony begins, the i-th line should contain x.

Sample Input 1

6 5 1
1 10 1

Sample Output 1


We will travel from Station 1 as follows:

  • 5 seconds after the beginning: take the train to Station 2.
  • 11 seconds: arrive at Station 2.
  • 11 seconds: take the train to Station 3.
  • 12 seconds: arrive at Station 3.

We will travel from Station 2 as follows:

  • 10 seconds: take the train to Station 3.
  • 11 seconds: arrive at Station 3.

Note that we should print 0 for Station 3.

Sample Input 2

12 24 6
52 16 4
99 2 2

Sample Output 2


Sample Input 3

12 13 1
44 17 17
66 4096 64

Sample Output 3