Score : 500 points

Problem Statement

You are given two integer sequences, each of length N: a_1, ..., a_N and b_1, ..., b_N.

There are N^2 ways to choose two integers i and j such that 1 \leq i, j \leq N. For each of these N^2 pairs, we will compute a_i + b_j and write it on a sheet of paper. That is, we will write N^2 integers in total.

Compute the XOR of these N^2 integers.

Definition of XOR

The XOR of integers c_1, c_2, ..., c_m is defined as follows:

  • Let the XOR be X. In the binary representation of X, the digit in the 2^k's place (0 \leq k; k is an integer) is 1 if there are an odd number of integers among c_1, c_2, ...c_m whose binary representation has 1 in the 2^k's place, and 0 if that number is even.

For example, let us compute the XOR of 3 and 5. The binary representation of 3 is 011, and the binary representation of 5 is 101, thus the XOR has the binary representation 110, that is, the XOR is 6.