Score : 600 points

Problem Statement

Consider the following arithmetic progression with n terms:

  • x, x + d, x + 2d, \ldots, x + (n-1)d

What is the product of all terms in this sequence? Compute the answer modulo 1\ 000\ 003.

You are given Q queries of this form. In the i-th query, compute the answer in case x = x_i, d = d_i, n = n_i.


  • 1 \leq Q \leq 10^5
  • 0 \leq x_i, d_i \leq 1\ 000\ 002
  • 1 \leq n_i \leq 10^9
  • All values in input are integers.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

x_1 d_1 n_1
x_Q d_Q n_Q


Print Q lines.

In the i-th line, print the answer for the i-th query.

Sample Input 1

7 2 4
12345 67890 2019

Sample Output 1


For the first query, the answer is 7 \times 9 \times 11 \times 13 = 9009. Don't forget to compute the answer modulo 1\ 000\ 003.