Score : 100 points

Problem Statement

In AtCoder City, there are three stations numbered 1, 2, and 3.

Each of these stations is operated by one of the two railway companies, A and B. A string S of length 3 represents which company operates each station. If S_i is A, Company A operates Station i; if S_i is B, Company B operates Station i.

To improve the transportation condition, for each pair of a station operated by Company A and one operated by Company B, there will be a bus service connecting them.

Determine if there is a pair of stations that will be connected by a bus service.


  • Each character of S is A or B.
  • |S| = 3


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:



If there is a pair of stations that will be connected by a bus service, print Yes; otherwise, print No.

Sample Input 1


Sample Output 1


Company A operates Station 1 and 3, while Company B operates Station 2.

There will be a bus service between Station 1 and 2, and between Station 2 and 3, so print Yes.

Sample Input 2


Sample Output 2


Company B operates Station 1 and 2, while Company A operates Station 3.

There will be a bus service between Station 1 and 3, and between Station 2 and 3, so print Yes.

Sample Input 3


Sample Output 3


Company B operates all the stations. Thus, there will be no bus service, so print No.