Score : 1100 points

Problem Statement

We have a tree G with N vertices numbered 1 to N. The i-th edge of G connects Vertex a_i and Vertex b_i.

Consider adding zero or more edges in G, and let H be the graph resulted.

Find the number of graphs H that satisfy the following conditions, modulo 998244353.

  • H does not contain self-loops or multiple edges.
  • The diameters of G and H are equal.
  • For every pair of vertices in H that is not directly connected by an edge, the addition of an edge directly connecting them would reduce the diameter of the graph.


  • 3 \le N \le 2 \times 10^5
  • 1 \le a_i, b_i \le N
  • The given graph is a tree.


Input is given from Standard Input in the following format:

a_1 b_1
a_{N-1} b_{N-1}


Print the answer.

Sample Input 1

1 6
2 1
5 2
3 4
2 3

Sample Output 1


For example, adding the edges (1, 5), (3, 5) in G satisfies the conditions.

Sample Input 2

1 2
2 3

Sample Output 2


The only graph H that satisfies the conditions is G.

Sample Input 3

1 2
2 3
4 2
1 7
6 1
2 5
5 9
6 8

Sample Output 3


Sample Input 4

2 4
15 8
1 16
1 3
12 19
1 18
7 11
11 15
12 9
1 6
7 14
18 2
13 12
13 5
16 13
7 1
11 10
7 17

Sample Output 4