Problem E: Combinatorial Topology

It was long believed that a 2-dimensional place can not be filled with a finite set of polygons in aperiodic way. British mathematician, Sir Roger Penrose, developed an aperiodic tiling over the years and established a theory of what is known today as quasicrystals.

The classic Penrose tiles consist of two rhombi with angles 36 and 72 degrees, see Figure 1. The edges of the rhombi are all of equal unit length, 1. These can fill the entire place without holes and overlaps (see Figure 2). Example: the bold line boundary in Figure 1 is filled with 20 thin tiles and 20 thick tiles.

Given a boundary (set of adjacent vertices counter-clock-wise oriented), how many thin tiles (36 degrees) and how many thick tiles (72 degrees) do you need to fill it (without any holes and intersections)?


Each data set is defined as follows:

Line 1: Number of vertices N (N < 100).

N lines: x and y coordinates of each vertex per line separated by blanks (|x| < 100, |y| < 100).

All floats in the input have 6 digits after the decimal point.

The required precision is 4 digits.

Input file includes several data sets. The number of data sets is less than 20.


Each line contains the solution for one set. First, there is the number of thin tiles, then the number of thick tiles, separated by a space. If the boundary is illegal for the above problem, the output should be "-1 -1".

Sample Input

-5.000000 0.000000
5.000000 0.000000
9.635255 14.265848
-0.364745 14.265848
-1.000000 0.000000
0.000000 0.000000
0.000000 1.000000

Output for the Sample Input

0 150
-1 -1