
AHK Education, the educational program section of Aizu Broadcasting Cooperation, broadcasts a children’s workshop program called "Let's Play and Make." Today’s theme is "Make your own flag." A child writes his first initial in the center of their rectangular flag.

Given the flag size and the initial letter to be placed in the center of it, write a program to draw the flag as shown in the figure below.


The figure has "A" in the center of a flag with size 9 (horizontal) × 5 (vertical).


The input is given in the following format.

W H c

The input line provides the flag dimensions W (width) and H (height) (3 ≤ W,H ≤ 21), and the initial letter c. Both W and H are odd numbers, and c is a capital letter.


Draw the flag of specified size with the initial in its center using the following characters: "+" for the four corners of the flag, "-" for horizontal lines, "|" for vertical lines, and "." for the background (except for the initial in the center).

Sample Input 1

3 3 B

Sample Output 1


Sample Input 2

11 7 Z

Sample Output 2
